(Updated 2023)
We are an an Acredited Spanish School with oficcial Certification 2018-2024 to GRANT certificates that allow processing a STUDENT VISA for 6 months or 1 year.
Admission Letter FEE
- $100 for registration for official paper work from school.
Spanish Courses Available for a Sutdent Visa
- $720 for 6 months Visa (It includes 80 hours of Spanish Course)
- $1440 for 1 Year Visa (It includes 160 hours of Spanish Course)
- Please make sure you want to apply for any of these VISA programs above as once paid NO OPTION to refund money.
- The total cost must be paid at once at the BEGINNING of the visa process.
- Once made the total payment of $820 or $1540 to us, we will need 24 hours to give you all papers for the visa process in PDF Doc. and you will be able to apply it immediately at the migration office, consulate or embassy of Ecuador in your country or in the place you want.
They, the consulate will give you the new Student Visa in no more than 10 working days. They use to charge inbetween 200 to 450 for the Visa. (This cost is always changing depending on the country)
Paper Work for the VISA process that we will give you:
1. Admition Letter
2. Study program timetable for 6 or12 months
3. Payment receipt includdying Taxes
4. Legal and updated School documents
5. RUC of the School (School taxes document)
6.Director´s ID and Contact and School Information
7. Official Certificate of your Course - once finished the Spanish Course (3/4 months later as it deppends on the goverment to grant it).
Which countries can apply for these VISA?
- Geramany, USA, Poland, Canada.....more: Convenio_de_la_Haya_VISA_DE_ESTUDIANTE.pdf
Goverment Sample form to fill out:
- Name, Nationality, age, Passport...etc..: FORMULARIO_DE_VISA_ESTUDIANTE.pdf
Mandatory Requirements from the Consulate:
- Printed Personal Bank Account status ($1000 as minimum)
- Police resport document from your country which says you are a good guy.
Check for more requirements here carefully: https://www.gob.ec/mremh/tramites/concesion-visa-residencia-temporal-estudiante
In case you can't get your VISA from the Consulate because of our School.
- We will refund you the 95% of the Spanish Course paid.
NOTA: If no visa for other reasons out of our school, we won´t refund any money as the application was already worked out for you.
- The $100 for the registration won´t neither be refunded in any of both circumstances.
- Start the Course immediately once you got the New Student VISA.
- Take the Course during the first 3 months of your new visa period. At the School location.
- If you want to try online lessons, you can, but please note that each lesson will cost for twice, we mean, 1 hour will be signed as 2 hours. Same this, if for weekend lessons.
Renewing your VISA.
- Please apply with the same process and costs from the beginning.
- Our School won´t give you any Certificates if changing learning Institutions.
Nivel Principiante
Unidad 1 El alfabeto
Unidad 2 El género y el número
Unidad 3 El artículo
Unidad 4 El sustantivo
Unidad 5 El adjetivo
Unidad 6 La frase
Unidad 7 El verbo.- El verbo Ser
Unidad 8 El verbo Estar
Unidad 9 Diferencias entre ser y estar
Unidad 10 La oración
Unidad 11 El presente.- verbos regulares
Unidad 12 El presente.- verbos irregulares
Unidad 13 Estructuras gramaticales
Unidad 14 Los verbos Reflexivos
Unidad 15 El Complemento directo
Unidad 16 El Complemento indirecto
Unidad 17 Los P.C.I. y P.C.D juntos.
Nivel Intermedio
Unidad 1 El Imperativo afirmativo
Unidad 2 El Imperativo negativo
Unidad 3 El Imperativo con pronombres
Unidad 4 El Tiempo pasado.- Pretérito indefinido.- verbos regulares
Unidad 5 El Pretérito indefinido.- verbos irregulares
Unidad 6 El Pretérito imperfecto.- verbos regulares e irregulares
Unidad 7 El Pretérito perfecto
Unidad 8 El Pretérito pluscuamperfecto
Unidad 9 El futuro.- verbos regulares e irregulares
Unidad 10 El futuro perfecto
Unidad 11 El condicional simple.- verbos regulares e irregulares
Unidad 12 El condicional perfecto
Nivel Avanzado
Unidad 1 El modo subjuntivo
Unidad 2 El presente de subjuntivo.- Concepto
Unidad 3 El presente de subjuntivo en dos cláusulas
Unidad 4 Conjunciones con presente de subjuntivo
Unidad 5: El Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo.- Concepto
Unidad 6: El Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo en una cláusula
Unidad 7: El Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo en dos cláusulas
Unidad 8: Conjunciones con Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo
Unidad 9: El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo.- Concepto
Unidad 10: El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo en una cláusula
Unidad 11: El Imperfecto de Subjuntivo en dos cláusulas
Unidad 12: Conjunciones con Imperfecto de subjuntivo
Unidad 13: El Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo.- Concepto
Unidad 14: El Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo en una cláusula
Unidad 15: El Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo en dos cláusulas
Unidad 16: Conjunciones con Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo